Friday 15 November 2013


In this semester, i had join an event at my hostel dpp petronas which is named Petro S.O.U.L Music Festival as an ajk of bureau program. S.O.U.L means sounds of your life. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything"- Plato.

I realise that organise an event was not an easier job. An event is just like an organization. It need the cooperation between every post no matter is mt, exco or ajk. Well, the communication is also play an important role. Because communication can bring the event done by smoothly. Besides that, the coordinate between every bureau was the key of success of the event. Without any of bureau, the event is impossible cant be done.
This S.O.U.L event will be held on 6th december at dtso uum. There have many interesting event. The main focus part is Thomas Jack will be this event special guess too!!!! It is an awesome event and it can let you felt the power of music from this event.

 our special guess-Thomas Jack

 another guess - Hank



Anyone is interested can grab the ticket and at dkg 1. Well, to get more information about this event, you can also go visit the S.O.U.L event page too!

faster come and grab our ticket!!!

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