Tuesday 26 November 2013


Wohooooo~~~ Finally, i know how to edit photo!!! 
Yeah!!!!!!! What's the great thing i had learn!!

First, choose a photo as a background.

Second, choose a photo that you want add in the background as one of the element and after that cut it.

Third, add the chair that already cut into the background for the combination to set a new background.

Forth, choose one of my photo that i want to add in and after that cut it too.

Fifth, add myself into the new background.
Wohooooo!!!! Finally, an edited photo done.

Well, i done a special calender which is only special for myself!! hehehehehe. 
Want to know my birthday date?? 
This calender where put a star had show that when is my birthday too. 

Sunday 24 November 2013


Wohooo. Finally pizza hut was coming to changlun. There had one more choose for my meal. Finally can eat pizza hut in my uni life.

new pizza hut shop at changlun

My roommate was online buy an combo set of pizza hut which was normally RM67.90 and discount to RM37.00 for 3 set of large size. Because of lack of worker, there had no delivery service so i and my friends come to changlun here for taking away. Finally, no more tomyam bihun and nasi goreng but its pizza hut as my dinner today!!

There have 3 motorcycle for the delivery service and the worker there said that there will be has a delivery service for uum soon. This was a big good news for me!!!!

Only the smell of pizza hut already enough to make me felt hungry. Wa. started eating now. Its was so delicious!
Eating pizza hut with all my friends was an enjoyable moment for me. I enjoy this happiness so much!!!!

 3 large pizza hut

 cocacola boom

finish eating

Friday 15 November 2013


In this semester, i had join an event at my hostel dpp petronas which is named Petro S.O.U.L Music Festival as an ajk of bureau program. S.O.U.L means sounds of your life. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything"- Plato.

I realise that organise an event was not an easier job. An event is just like an organization. It need the cooperation between every post no matter is mt, exco or ajk. Well, the communication is also play an important role. Because communication can bring the event done by smoothly. Besides that, the coordinate between every bureau was the key of success of the event. Without any of bureau, the event is impossible cant be done.
This S.O.U.L event will be held on 6th december at dtso uum. There have many interesting event. The main focus part is Thomas Jack will be this event special guess too!!!! It is an awesome event and it can let you felt the power of music from this event.

 our special guess-Thomas Jack

 another guess - Hank



Anyone is interested can grab the ticket and at dkg 1. Well, to get more information about this event, you can also go visit the S.O.U.L event page too!

faster come and grab our ticket!!!

Sunday 10 November 2013


In this semester, my two shoes were broken. I dont know is it means that i was walking too much in this semester?? The most bad thing was my shoe was broke everytime when i was rushing to class. The first time was when i need to rush from dkg 6 to dkg 1. Finally my friend bring my another shoe for me to change.

first time broken shoe

Well, the second time was when i just went out from my room and took a bus to dkg. I realize my shoe was broke when i was on the bus but its too late already. So i was wearing a broken shoes for that whole day.

my second time broken shoe
Finally i bought two shoes at alor setar mall and tiara. Well, i hope that my this two shoes wont break easily.

 my new shoe bought at tiara

my new shoe bought at alor setar mall

Monday 4 November 2013


Wohoo!!!! Every tuesday make me so happy because no have class. So we decided to go alor setar for visiting the crystal mountain and buying some crystal. I and my friends rented two car to go there. Unluckily that, our rented car was broken down on the way we are going to alor setar. So one of our car was going to the nearest petrol station to buy the petrol. We were totally spent about an hour to settle it. So finally we reached alor setar crystal mountain there at 5pm. That mountain was closed and there are not allow for visit anymore. I felt so sad because i plan to take some crystal back from that crystal mountain. After that, we go to thr shop there to buy the crystal chain.
There had some law for the crystal which was after we decided to buy a crystal, then it will had an opening ceremony. After that the crystal cannot be wear by another person besides the owner. Well, different colour of crystal had different meaning and bring different luck for the owner.
Purple colour means wisdom Pink colour means love White colour means memory Red color means blood circulation Green colour means health Yellow colour means wealth
There also had some crystal chain that combined different colours that means can bring all type of luck for us. Finally i bought three crystal chain for my mom, sister and me. Today i felt very happy!!!!

 my mom crystal chain

 my sister crystal chain

my crystal chain