Wednesday 30 October 2013


There were having two days holiday. So i and my friend decided to have a pulau langkawi two days one night trip for a fun. Well, this time of travelling was without planning because of we were decided this trip in last min. But actually i like backpack travelling so much.
We wake up very early in the morning which was about 5am like that because we had call the taxi at 6am. Then, we reached the jetty about 7am and we bought the ticket for ferry. The feeling to take a ferry so nice.

 ticket to pulau langkawi

Finally, pulau langkawi we were coming. First, we rented two car and a hotel near to the sea side which was we can straight away see the sea when we opened the door. I like beach so much but i seldom went to beach because i afraid the sunburn.
The hostel

the beach

After we put the luggage at hotel, our first station which was cable car. We took the cable car up to the mountain for viewing the scenery of the sea. The air of highland was so fresh and cold. The next station was underwater world. We can saw different type of marine animal there such as jelly fish and some of the weird fishes which we never saw it before. There had penguin too that we cant see it easily because it need to live north pole. Besides that, there have a show of how Callorhinus curilensis bathing.

 cable car

 underwater world

eat the fish

In the evening, we back to the hotel and have a fun at the beach there. I was enjoying the moment at the beach and its felt so awesome.

let us jump together

What was the pulau langkawi famous for? Sure was the chocolate. At the second day, we had went to the duty free zone to buy the chocolates. Wohoooo!! I had big gain that i buy many delicious chocolate. After that, we put out to sea to visit the islands for see the eagle. Eagle was a slogan of pulau langkawi.

 wohoo!!!! chocolate!!!!

 sit the motorboat to the small island

 wear the safety shirt

wow! eagle!

Pulau langkawi was a nice place that suitable for relaxing. Bye! Pulau langkawi. Hope next time can come again.

Tuesday 22 October 2013


I used to be a kindergarden teacher when my form six holiday. In that period, I realize that the children are very naive as a white paper. In their life, no more worry and trouble. When they are sad, they will cry loudly and when they are happy, they will smile loudly too. They can direct express their emotion without any conceal. I like their life and I enjoy this job very much too. Finally i quit this job when i was start my uni life.

five years old cute student

Well, when my semester break, i had go back to my kindergarden to visit those my lovely children.

 party time


my lovely student- venez tee

I felt very happy when i was going there, those children still remember and call me. This happiness was really awesome. And i was also felt that they had already grow up a little bit. In my insight, i thought that teacher was a greatness job.

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Penang is a nice place in Malaysia. It is popular for the food there such as penang cha kuew tiao and hokkien mee. There was different between penang hokkien mee and my hometown temerloh hokkien mee. For penang hokkien mee is prawn mee in soup while for temerloh hokkien mee is black dry mee.
 penang hokkien mee
temerloh hokkien mee

First day, we went to the penang's malls such as Queensbay Mall, Prangin Mall and 1st Avenue. We sing k at neway which was in the Queensbay Mall. Inside the mall had the playground. Finally we went to there for a fun. It let me recall back the time when i still child. After that, we had a sushi as our dinner. Wow, its so tasty.
 lets sing k at neway
 play the differentiate games
 rides the horse
sushi time

Second day, we walked the heritage. Heritage was the most popular and famous pace in Penang. Every visitor sure will go to haritage for a look. All the drawing there are handdrawing one. The haritage was near the jetty. there also had build a very beautiful temple. After , that we have a look the nyonya house. There had been take a singapore drama.
 haritage home
 the beautiful temple
 haritage draw- bicycle
 act as a cat
climbing boy
 nyonya house dinner table
nyonya house
Third day, we went visit the guan yin temple which was the biggest temple in Malaysia. We went there for a pray.
 this use for write the our hope
 the golden guan yin
the biggest temple in Malaysia
Its the time to go back home. This three days ware really happy. Wohooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye penang

Saturday 12 October 2013


My friend as a aeisec project director have organise a HOPE project that she brings 4 interns come to our country such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. The purpose they join this project is for culture sharing. They visit many Malaysia famous places like KLCC, Batu Cave,and so on. Besides that, they are also stay at my hometown, Temerloh for two weeks. In this two week, we spent our time together to do many meaningful things. We had learned different country culture through this hope project. 

Night view of KLCC

Batu Cave

When hari raya puasa, we bring them to Malay friend's house for joining the open house to let them experience it. We also try the Indian roti canai too. Besides that, we had cook our own country famous food together as our lunch.They are also organise a talk about culture sharing and HIV at Temerloh secondary school.  Sometimes, we had a fun like bowling, watch movie and singing at kbox. In this period, we had also join an event named 30 hour famine too. the aim we join this event is to experience the feeling of hungry in the poor country. So that, we wont waste the food anymore. 

Malay open house 

 Malay culture-Baju kurung

 The tallest indian roti canai

 Make our own lunch

 HIV talk at SMK Temerloh

 Culture sharing talk at SMK Abu Bakar

Boiling time

 Movie time

30 hour famine

Visit to temerloh

This is an awesome project and it let me make friend with different country. To get more information about HOPE project, may click in the link below.

Tuesday 8 October 2013


My name is Cheng Silk Li. My matric number is 220501. I am twenty one year old. I come from Temerloh, Pahang. I stay at DPP Petronas, Northern University Malaysia. I am taking Course Risk Management And Insurance under College Of Business (COB). I am student semester three and taking six subjects in this semester. My hobby is sleeping. My favourite colour is red. My favourite number is six. My favourite drink is all type of ice drinks. My favourite food is cheese chicken chop. . I have 4 family members including me who are my mother, sister and father. I love my family so much and lastly I hope can stay healthy and happy with them forever.